WordPress 4.0.1 Security Release

On November 20, 2014, the WordPress 4.0.1 Security Release was announced. This release is considered a critical security update, which impacts all previous versions. If your site supports automatic background updates, you may have noted an update to WordPress 4.0.1...

Content Marketing

Content marketing is once again making headlines. While by no means a new term, small business owners are employing creative ways to stay competitive against larger brands. By leveraging the power of resourceful content, substance rich blog posts, timely articles,...

Optimize Your Blog Posts

In order to understand the importance of Search Engine Optimization in relation to a blog, we need to understand how Google views a website. Google, and other major search engines, develop algorithms which automatically rank all websites. They are employing automated...

WordPress Security Updates

In recent months, WordPress security vulnerabilities in numerous plugins made headlines worldwide.  Furthermore, Sucuri Security cautioned thousands of WordPress users to be aware sites had been hacked. Concealed SPAM pages could have been added to the wp-includes...
Content Best Practices

Content Best Practices

In our entry on the changing landscape of web design, we briefly touched on content best practices. It would seem the post was timely, as a recent social media summit addressed the same topic. If you followed our advice by adding a blog or reworking existing content,...